Streamline communication with trading partners through EDI Integration—automate data exchange, reduce errors, and strengthen business relationships.

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Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Integration for Transportation and Logistics

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the exchange of commercial and financial electronic documents between business partners. There are several EDI standards used in transportation and logistics:

EDI X12 standard used in the United States and Canada.

EDIFACT – mainly used in Europe and international transportation.

Useful Reading: What Are the Differences Between ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT

The exchange of EDI documents between business partners simplifies and speeds up business processes. That is why, in logistics, regardless of the mode of transportation, motor, marine, or rail transportation EDI is used as a fast, economical, and safe method of transferring important business information related to the transportation of goods.

How is EDI used in transportation?

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is widely used in transportation and logistics to automate communication and data exchange between different parties involved in the transportation process, such as shippers, carriers, and third-party logistics providers (3PLs).

In transportation, EDI is used for various tasks such as:

Shipment tracking and status updates: EDI messages can be used to provide real-time information about the status of shipments, such as pickup and delivery times, estimated time of arrival (ETA), and any delays or issues.

Shipping documentation: EDI can be used to exchange shipping documents such as bills of lading, packing lists, and customs declarations, which helps to reduce errors and streamline the shipping process.

Freight invoicing and payment: EDI messages can be used to exchange billing and payment information between shippers, carriers, and 3PLs, reducing the need for manual data entry and minimizing the risk of errors and disputes.

Capacity planning and optimization: EDI can be used to exchange information about available capacity, shipment volumes, and transportation rates, enabling carriers and shippers to plan their operations more efficiently and make more informed decisions.

What are the most important EDI documents used in transportation?

In addition to common EDI transactions such as orders or invoices, each industry uses its specific EDI documents. Electronic Data Interchange in logistics ensures the operational interaction between business partners (buyers, suppliers, 3PL warehouses, forwarders, etc.) at all stages of the delivery, and improves the management of complex business processes. Thus, in transportation, the following types of EDI documents are most commonly used:

EDI 204 – Motor Carrier Load Tender: This EDI document is typically sent from the shipper (retailer, manufacturer, or a distribution center) to the transportation provider to request pickup of the shipment.

EDI 990 – Response to the Load Tender: used by the transportation provider to inform acceptance or rejection of the shipment order.

EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message: delivery status message sent by the transportation company to the shipper (retailer, manufacturer, or a distribution center) to give an update on the status of delivery.

EDI 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice: Submits by transportation provider to the shipper after delivery. This EDI transaction contains full information about the cost of services provided by the transportation provider and is used as an invoice for a payment request.

EDI 212 Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest – send by a transportation company to consignees to inform about the contents of a trailer containing multiple loads.

EDI 856 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN): sent by transportation provider or warehouse / supplier to the consignee immediately upon closing the truck, to inform about all pertinent data relative to the shipment.

EDI 997 – Functional Acknowledgement: used by both parties t to confirm they received the transaction set.

Complete list of EDI transportation codes

Below is a complete list of EDI X12 transactions sets used in the transportation industry. The EDI transactions listed below are maintained by the X12I subcommittee under the X12 Accredited Standards Committee.

  • EDI 104 Air Shipment Information
  • EDI 106 Motor Carrier Rate Proposal
  • EDI 107 Request for Motor Carrier Rate Proposal
  • EDI 108 Response to a Motor Carrier Rate Proposal
  • EDI 109 Vessel Content Details
  • EDI 110 Air Freight Details and Invoice
  • EDI 120 Vehicle Shipping Order
  • EDI 121 Vehicle Service
  • EDI 125 Multilevel Railcar Load Details
  • EDI 126 Vehicle Application Advice
  • EDI 127 Vehicle Baying Order
  • EDI 128 Dealer Information
  • EDI 129 Vehicle Carrier Rate Update
  • EDI 160 Transportation Automatic Equipment Identification
  • EDI 161 Train Sheet
  • EDI 163 Transportation Appointment Schedule Information
  • EDI 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender
  • EDI 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice
  • EDI 211 Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
  • EDI 212 Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest
  • EDI 213 Motor Carrier Shipment Status Inquiry
  • EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
  • EDI 215 Motor Carrier Pickup Manifest
  • EDI 216 Motor Carrier Shipment Pickup Notification
  • EDI 217 Motor Carrier Loading and Route Guide
  • EDI 219 Logistics Service Request
  • EDI 220 Logistics Service Response
  • EDI 222 Cartage Work Assignment
  • EDI 223 Consolidators Freight Bill and Invoice
  • EDI 224 Motor Carrier Summary Freight Bill Manifest
  • EDI 225 Response to a Cartage Work Assignment
  • EDI 227 Trailer Usage Report
  • EDI 228 Equipment Inspection Report
  • EDI 240 Motor Carrier Package Status
  • EDI 250 Purchase Order Shipment Management Document
  • EDI 284 Commercial Vehicle Safety Reports
  • EDI 285 Commercial Vehicle Safety and Credentials Information Exchange
  • EDI 286 Commercial Vehicle Credentials
  • EDI 300 Reservation (Booking Request) (Ocean)
  • EDI 301 Confirmation (Ocean)
  • EDI 303 Booking Cancellation (Ocean)
  • EDI 304 Shipping Instructions
  • EDI 309 Customs Manifest
  • EDI 310 Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean)
  • EDI 311 Canada Customs Information
  • EDI 312 Arrival Notice (Ocean)
  • EDI 313 Shipment Status Inquiry (Ocean)
  • EDI 315 Status Details (Ocean)
  • EDI 317 Delivery/Pickup Order
  • EDI 319 Terminal Information
  • EDI 322 Terminal Operations and Intermodal Ramp Activity
  • EDI 323 Vessel Schedule and Itinerary (Ocean)
  • EDI 324 Vessel Stow Plan (Ocean)
  • EDI 325 Consolidation of Goods In Container
  • EDI 326 Consignment Summary List
  • EDI 350 Customs Status Information
  • EDI 352 Customs Carrier General Order Status
  • EDI 353 Customs Events Advisory Details
  • EDI 354 Customs Automated Manifest Archive Status
  • EDI 355 Customs Acceptance/Rejection
  • EDI 356 Customs Permit to Transfer Request
  • EDI 357 Customs In-Bond Information
  • EDI 358 Customs Consist Information
  • EDI 359 Customs Customer Profile Management
  • EDI 361 Carrier Interchange Agreement (Ocean)
  • EDI 404 Rail Carrier Shipment Information
  • EDI 410 Rail Carrier Freight Details and Invoice
  • EDI 412 Trailer or Container Repair Billing
  • EDI 414 Rail Carhire Settlements
  • EDI 417 Rail Carrier Waybill Interchange
  • EDI 418 Rail Advance Interchange Consist
  • EDI 419 Advance Car Disposition
  • EDI 420 Car Handling Information
  • EDI 421 Estimated Time of Arrival and Car Scheduling
  • EDI 422 Equipment Order
  • EDI 423 Rail Industrial Switch List
  • EDI 424 Rail Carrier Services Settlement
  • EDI 425 Rail Waybill Request
  • EDI 426 Rail Revenue Waybill
  • EDI 429 Railroad Retirement Activity
  • EDI 431 Railroad Station Master File
  • EDI 432 Rail Car Hire Rate Negotiation
  • EDI 433 Railroad Reciprocal Switch File
  • EDI 434 Railroad Mark Register Update Activity
  • EDI 435 Standard Transportation Commodity Code Master
  • EDI 436 Locomotive Information
  • EDI 437 Railroad Junctions and Interchanges Activity
  • EDI 440 Shipment Weights
  • EDI 451 Railroad Event Report
  • EDI 452 Railroad Problem Log Inquiry or Advice
  • EDI 453 Railroad Service Commitment Advice
  • EDI 455 Railroad Parameter Trace Registration
  • EDI 456 Railroad Equipment Inquiry or Advice
  • EDI 460 Railroad Price Distribution Request or Response
  • EDI 463 Rail Rate Reply
  • EDI 466 Rate Request
  • EDI 468 Rate Docket Journal Log
  • EDI 470 Railroad Clearance
  • EDI 475 Rail Route File Maintenance
  • EDI 485 Ratemaking Action
  • EDI 486 Rate Docket Expiration
  • EDI 490 Rate Group Definition
  • EDI 492 Miscellaneous Rates
  • EDI 494 Rail Scale Rates
  • EDI 601 Customs Export Shipment Information
  • EDI 603 Transportation Equipment Registration
  • EDI 715 Intermodal Group Loading Plan
  • EDI 854 Shipment Delivery Discrepancy Information
  • EDI 858 Shipment Information
  • EDI 859 Freight Invoice
  • EDI 920 Loss or Damage Claim – General Commodities
  • EDI 924 Loss or Damage Claim – Motor Vehicle
  • EDI 925 Claim Tracer
  • EDI 926 Claim Status Report and Tracer Reply
  • EDI 928 Automotive Inspection Detail
  • EDI 980 Functional Group Totals
  • EDI 990 Response to a Load Tender
  • EDI 998 Set Cancellation

The Benefit of Using EDI in Transportation

The exchange of information between business partners (orders, invoices, etc.) on paper or by e-mail requires manual input of information into the ERP, CRM, accounting, or other corporate back-office application of the company. The use of EDI allows companies to avoid manual input – all transactions are performed automatically, without delays or inaccuracies.

EDI for transportation

The use of EDI in transportation allows:

  • to optimize the entire supply chain, namely the processes of management, planning, and control of transportation;
  • to increase the speed and efficiency of data processing and improve accuracy;
  • the manufacturer to promptly respond to the buyer’s requests;
  • transport companies to make delivery on time;
  • wholesale suppliers to improve the efficiency of logistics and procurement and optimally manage their inventory;
  • to reduce transportation costs;
  • improve accuracy and avoid manual input of information.

Thus, the use of EDI increases the speed and accuracy of data and allows companies to concentrate on important business tasks, and not on routine issues of processing and sending documents.

EDI integration in Logistics: Fully Managed EDI Service vs EDI Web Service (API)

Companies implementing EDI can be divided into two groups:

EDI Initiator company

– Companies involved in the EDI process

Fully Managed EDI Service for EDI Initiator Company

Initiator – a company that realized the great potential of using EDI and decided to implement EDI in operations with its business partners. These are usually large market players who have been using EDI for many years.

Usually, these companies have many business partners and a huge monthly document turnover. That is why they often choose a Fully Managed EDI Service.

However the situation has changed in recent years, more and more mid-sized companies operating in the transportation industry are realizing the benefits of using EDI and are actively integrating Electronic Data Interchange to exchange critical important documents with their business partners.

This is why, we, at EDI2XML offer a Fully Managed EDI service that can fit any size company.

Our EDI2XML integration platform, deployed in our private cloud, runs 24/7/365 and handles all EDI file conversion and transformation between business partners, so customers do not need to install software or hardware onsite.

Fully managed EDI Service

We, as an integration and EDI provider, are responsible for all stages of the integration: from project planning to the development of the file format requested by the client (Json, XML, TXT, CSV), as well as testing and certification with your business partner.

Our “fully managed” EDI service solution has a dynamic monthly price that increases or decreases depending on the volume of data transferred.

This allows us to meet the needs of even small companies with a small volume of transferred documents.

EDI Web Service for Companies involved in the EDI process

Involved companies– organizations that are forced to implement EDI at the request of the initiating company to start a partnership and conclude a contract or when a business partner specifies the use of EDI as a pre-requisite or condition for further business collaboration.

In involved companies, the decision to implement EDI is made at the initiative of a third-party company. However, this requirement does not necessarily imply a large investment for EDI integration.

For companies that find themselves in a situation where a business partner requires a quick connection to EDI, we offer our unique solution EDI Web Service.

EDI2XML web service is our REST API to convert and transform X12 to XML and vice versa. The API web service is very low-cost relative to the Fully managed EDI Service and designed for companies who got their own technical resources to work with REST API (call and consume HTTP Rest Web services). Definitive benefits of EDI Web Service is a low cost per KC, no contract, no commitment, and especially quick entry: you can be up and running in less than an hour, and it is proven; we provide everything to your developers to get started, a java client with its source code and instructions on how to work with.

Choose the best EDI provider for the logistics and transportation industry

In modern logistics, the requirements for carriers are very high and the use of EDI helps them keep the bar high.

We, as a successful EDI provider, have been helping our customers for 21 years quickly, reliably connect to EDI and integrate it into business systems.

Contact us for a free consultation and we will help you choose the most suitable EDI solution for your business.

What is B2B EDI? 

B2B (Business-to-Business) Integration, also known as Electronic Data Interchange EDI, is the process of exchanging business documents electronically either internally or amongst external business partners.

Electronic data interchange (EDI) has become a standard data exchange practice in modern business. EDI allows companies to automate their business processes leading to greater efficiency. Automated data exchange allows to avoid errors, reduce order processing time, and achieve accuracy.

What is meant by EDI?

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the process of exchanging documents electronically through secure communication channels from one software information system to another. In other words, from one business partner to another.

In a fully automated process, the exchange of electronic documents (for example, receiving and processing orders), can take place at the application level, without the direct involvement and participation of employees.

Who typically uses EDI?

EDI standard and connected technologies are used in a B2B data exchange protocol, of any type of businesses in different industries. These can be large, medium, or small enterprises operating in retail, manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceutical, or any other industry. EDI is also used in international trade such as air, sea, and road transportation. Not surprising, to see customs in most of the countries using EDI heavily in their cross-border operations.

Experience shows that large retailers such as Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Home Depot, Target, etc. are always the initiators of electronic data exchange. Moreover, almost all retailers, having evaluated the advantages of using EDI, force their suppliers to exchange documents only through EDI.

EDI Integration with Business Systems (ERP/CRM)

EDI integration allows to automate the creation, sending, receiving, and processing of any business documents in electronic format with a trading partner, existing backend business systems, or applications, to provide a greater level of efficiency and complete automation.

With over 21 years of experience in EDI and the integration marketplace, our company EDI2XML has a proven experience in integrating EDI, with the most frequently used systems:

EDI Integrations and eCommerce Businesses  

EDI is also becoming a vital element of the e-commerce business; we are receiving more and more requests for e-commerce integration with EDI.

Especially, requests for connecting online stores running on one of the major e-commerce platforms. The most frequent EDI e-commerce integration are:

  • Shopify EDI Integration
  • Magento EDI Integration
  • BigCommerce EDI Integration
  • Amazon Vendor Central EDI integration
  • Amazon Seller Central EDI integration
  • Walmart EDI Integration
  • And much more…

This means that orders from an online store will be automatically converted into an EDI document (for example X12 EDI 850 Purchase Order) and pushed into a supplier’s business system. This is the most common scenario in an eCommerce dropship business.

However, it is worth mentioning the very common request for e-commerce integration with ERP / CRM systems. This means syncing data between business software systems (SAP, Salesforce, JDE, etc.) with your e-commerce store.

Fully Managed EDI Services to automate data exchange with business partners

Our company offers a fully managed EDI service that includes transformation and connectivity services for companies of all sizes.

Our customers do not need to install any software or hardware because all EDI file conversions and transformations, are done from our side. We carry out all stages of an integration project from project planning to testing with the trading partner.

Our integration platform receives EDI files (for example x12 or EDIFACT) from the trading partner, then converts them into the required format (i.e. XML, CSV, TXT) and sends them to you (see the picture below).

Fully managed EDI Service

EDI2XML platform will sit in  the middle between you and your trading partner to convert, send and collect all EDI documents.

Request Fully Managed EDI Service Pricing Plans HERE for more information.

Benefits of using EDI for B2B exchange

Currently, using the latest technologies, EDI implementation is not so expensive (as many business leaders might think), but the benefits of EDI integration allow companies to significantly speed up document flow and increase sales. Besides, EDI has many advantages, namely:

  • EDI enables companies to optimize all processes in the enterprise, from planning to production management and control.
  • EDI allows increasing the speed and efficiency of data processing. Mandatory use of standards (for example X12 or EDIFACT) helps to avoid errors and improve accuracy.
  • EDI helps manufacturers to quickly respond to the requests of their wholesalers’ customers.
  • EDI document exchange allows retailers and wholesalers to improve the efficiency of logistics and procurement as well as improve inventory management. For example, using EDIFACT messages such as INVRPT, DELFOR, DELJIT, and DESADV allows reducing warehouse storage costs.
  • EDI integration allows companies to reduce the number of employees who enter data into the business system received on paper or by e-mail.
  • EDI increases the accuracy of information processing because as practice shows, errors are inevitable with manual data entry.

B2B / EDI Integration – find the best Solution

EDI2XML offers various EDI integration solutions.

Whether you are a buyer, supplier, manufacturer, retailer, 3PL Warehouses, or Logistics – using our advanced EDI technology, you can exchange data electronically with all your partners quickly, reliably, and efficiently.

We’ve got an EDI solution that really makes your day-to-day tasks easier and faster!

Contact us for a free consultation with our EDI experts.

What is EDI 820 Remittance Advice?

X12 EDI 820

EDI X12 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice (or simply EDI 820), sometimes called as EDI payment, is an electronic document transmitted via EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) that business partners (seller, buyer, financial institution…) use to provide detailed payment information. Normally an EDI 820 transaction, is sent by the buyer to his supplier after issuing a payment against an EDI 810 Invoice sent by the supplier.

In North America, the Payment Order/Remittance Advice transaction set is transmitted in EDI X12 standard. The message code in EDIFACT standard for the Remittance advice message is REMADV.

REMADV is the analog of EDI 820; it has the same function and application in international business practice, mainly in Europe.

Usage of the EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice Transaction Set

Unlike typical EDI transactions exchange between two trading partners, banks and financial institutions are also involved in the exchange of EDI 820.  

Moreover, EDI 820 transaction set can be used for various purposes:

Simultaneously to make a payment and send remittance advice (sent through your bank to trading partner)

In this case, all Remittance Advice details and the Payment Order will be transferred to your financial institution (bank). The bank will then forward Remittance details to your trading partner and debit your account in favor of your trading partner.

To send remittance advice only (sent directly to your Trading Partner, payment is made independently)

If you use this option, you must make payment to your trading partner in separate transaction. This transaction must match the total amount specified in the EDI 820 detail transmission. Normally, the trading partner accepts payment details referencing invoice numbers only.

Remittance Advice can be sent directly from the payer to the recipient, through a financial institution, or a third-party agent.

To make an EDI payment (sent through your bank to a trading partner)

In this case, the payment order will be transferred to the bank and the bank will forward the file to your trading partner and debit your account in favor of this trading partner. Thus, EDI 820 can act as an instruction for a financial institution to make a payment to the beneficiary.

It should be noted that usually trading partners also require the details to be sent in EDI format.

Some companies may still accept non-EDI remittance advice, however, data sent by email, fax, or paper will incur additional manual processing fees for each transaction.

What information is included in EDI 820

As mentioned above, Payment Order/Remittance Advice document contains all important information related to the financial transactions. The EDI 820 document contains the following basic information:

  • Payer / Beneficiary identification (name, address details)
  • Invoice number(s)
  • Bank and account information
  • Invoice adjustments (if applicable)
  • Payment amount
  • Currency
  • Payment/remittance date
  • Method of payment/funds movement
  • Credit /debit confirmation
  • Check /payment number

How to send and/or receive Remittance Advice (EDI 820)

There are several different ways to exchange an EDI 820 document. The main communication protocol to transfer EDI documents are:

  • Connection with VAN (Value Added Networks). VAN is the third party in the EDI exchange process that transmits and stores data in an electronic mailbox until it is received by one of the business partners.

Point-to-point EDI exchange:

  • FTP/SFTP – File Transfer Protocol/Secure File Transfer Protocol. These file transfer protocols allow trading partners to connect with each other via the Internet to exchange EDI documents.
  • AS2 – A secure way to exchange documents electronically over the Internet by using digital certificates and encryption of the EDI data.
  • HTTP (REST) where data is transferred using content type “multi-part/form data”

Each one of the above communication protocols,  has its advantages, however, each company must decide what best fits its policy, based on the requirements of its business partner or the business processes of the company.

To learn more about EDI Communication Protocols read our article: All about EDI: 11 Complete Answers about Electronic Data Interchange

EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice Segments and Data Elements

Payment Order/Remittance Advice like any other EDI document has a structure of segments and elements predefined by the X12 standard. Some of them are mandatory, some are optional. It all depends on how this EDI 820 document will be used and the specifications requested by the trading partner.

The structure of EDI 820 could be as follow:

ISA – Interchange Control Set Header (Mandatory)

GS – Functional Group Header (Mandatory)

ST – Transaction Set Header (Mandatory)

BPR – Beginning Segment for Payment Order / Remittance Advice (Mandatory)

TRN – Trace (Mandatory)

CUR – Currency (Mandatory)

REF – Reference Numbers (Mandatory)

DTM – Date / Time Reference (Optional)

N1 – Name (Mandatory)

N3 – Address Information (Optional)

N4 – Geographic Location (Optional)

PER – Administrative Communication Contact (Optional)

ENT – Entity (Optional)

RMR – Remittance Advice Accounts Receivable Open Item Reference (Mandatory)

REF – Reference Numbers (Optional)

DTM – Date / Time Reference (Optional)

ADX – Adjustment (Optional)

SE – Transaction Set Trailer (Mandatory)

GE – Functional Group Trailer (Mandatory)

IEA – Interchange Control Trailer (Mandatory)

Integrate EDI 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice with EDI2XML EDI Service

With over 25 years of experience in EDI integration, we offer our clients the most advanced and cost-effective EDI service.

You can start exchanging EDI 820 Remittance Advice within an hour using our EDI Web Service. It is a cost-effective, no-contract, and fast EDI solution that does not require special technical knowledge. In addition, we offer a free 15 days trial period. Find out more about our EDI web service here.

With our Fully Managed EDI Service, we take care of all:

  • EDI mapping
  • Trading Partner configuration
  • Standards maintenance
  • XML/CSV/TXT translation
  • Send & receive EDI documents, to and from Trading Partners or to and from the customer
  • Drop off & pick up Json/XML/CSV/TXT files to and from the customer.
  • Integration with ERP application with certified connectors (when required option)

Request our EDI2XML fully managed EDI service Pricing Packages here, or contact us for a free consultation with our EDI expert.

EDI - Get a free Consultation

In this post, I’ll give a brief overview of the top 6 EDI transactions used in the Retail industry, the main differences between documents exchange via EDI and email, and how you can quickly satisfy the request of a large retailer (such as Walmart, Target, Costco) about EDI compatibility and start exchanging EDI documents fairly quickly.

What is Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)?

EDI is a protocol to exchange business information between two organizations electronically based on a predefined standard. EDI has replaced the use of paper documents or the exchange of business information by email.

EDI in the Retail Industry

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) has been widely adopted in the retail industry to facilitate efficient and accurate communication between trading partners. EDI is the electronic exchange of business documents between two or more organizations in a standardized format.

The retail industry has been using EDI for over 30 years. Can you imagine the volume of business documents flow at large retailers? They have thousands of transactions every month with hundreds of suppliers and tens of thousands of products.

For such large trading companies, it is simply impossible to do business without exchanging EDI. That is why they force their suppliers to exchange documents through EDI.

What is a Retail Supplier?

Supplier is any legal entity (organization, enterprise) or individual that provides goods to another entity. Retail suppliers are business-to-business (or B2B); they sell products to other companies, and not directly to the consumer.

Suppliers can be manufacturers, as well as various resellers (including wholesalers).

The supplier carries out business activities by the terms of the concluded supply agreement.

Giant retailers such as Best Buy, Wal-Mart, Costco, and Target have supply agreements with many different suppliers from whom they buy goods in bulk and then sell them to the final consumer in their stores or online stores.

What is the Difference Between EDI and Email?

email and EDI

Let us make a comparison between sending a purchase order from a Retailer to a supplier by email and another one by EDI. Here are some major differences:

1. Transfer or exchange of business information

Both methods have secure communication channels, however, EDI communication channels use higher security standards.

2. Standards and structure

The content of the email is not structured at all. There is no standardization when placing a purchase order via email. Thus, the supplier needs to check many elements such as subject, message body, attachments, because the information about the purchase order can be either in the body or in one or multiple attachments.

The content of an EDI Purchase Order (EDI 850) is very well structured, and it conforms to a specific standard (i.e. X12, EDIFACT, …). Each element and loop have a pre-defined purpose.

3. The ability to integrate with business systems (ERP/CRM)

Extracting the data “automatically” from an order coming by email is very difficult (not to say extremely difficult), while extracting the purchase order information from an EDI X12 850 for example, or a UN/EDIFACT ORDER is much more standard.

As a conclusion: exchanging business documents complying with EDI standards, enables companies and business partners in the retail to automatically integrate data into their internal business systems, efficiently and with great accuracy without human intervention.

Commonly used EDI Documents in Retail

e-commerce Integration

Large retailers using EDI can standardize the process with their trading partners, thereby improving all business processes, increasing profits and customer satisfaction. For all size suppliers, the use of EDI gives access to large retailers and therefore a stable volume of orders. Let us look at the main EDI transactions used in B2B trading between retailers and suppliers.

1 – EDI 846 – Inventory Inquiry/ Advice | EDIFACT INVRPT

EDI 846 (EDIFACT/INVRPT – Inventory Report) is a notification that the supplier usually sends to the retailer, which contains information about the availability of goods. This EDI transaction is used to inform your trading partners (retailers) about stock levels but does not oblige them to make a purchase. Usually, EDI 846 also includes pricing information.

For more information about EDI 846 read our article: What is EDI 846 document?

2 – EDI 850 – Purchase Order | EDIFACT ORDERS

EDI 850 (EDIFACT/ORDERS) is an electronic document that is used to place an order for goods.

EDI 850 is usually sent by retailers to their supplier of goods. This document indicates the quantity of the required goods as well as all the details regarding the order (Item description, price, and quantities, shipping details, requested delivery date, and location(s) of delivery).

If you want to know more about EDI 850 read the article: All you need to know about EDI ANSI X12 Transaction Set 850 Purchase Order

3 – EDI 855 – Purchase Order Acknowledgement | EDIFACT ORDRSP

The EDI 855 (EDIFACT/ORDRSP – purchase Order Response) is a reply to the message (EDI 850). It is sent by the supplier after receiving the order from the retailer.

By returning the 855 messages, a supplier agrees to fulfill the order or proposes to amend. In other words, using EDI 855, the supplier either notifies the full, partial, or refusal to fulfill the order. This message helps the retailer avoid supply disruptions.

You will find detailed information about EDI 855 in this article: What is EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment?

4 – EDI 856 – Advance Shipment Notice | EDIFACT DESADV

EDI 856 (EDIFACT/DESADV – Despatch Advice)  is a notification sent by the supplier immediately after the shipment of the goods leaves its warehouse.

The idea behind this message is that the retailer may know in advance about the fact that the products have been loaded, its quantity, and the expected delivery date. This way, he can efficiently plan the receipt and scanning of the goods at his warehouse.

You will find detailed information about EDI 856 in this article: What is Advanced Ship Notice (ASN) 856 transaction set?

5 – EDI 861 -Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate | EDIFACT RECADV

The EDI 861 (EDIFACT RECADV – Receiving Advice) acts as a response message to EDI 856 which confirms the acceptance of the goods.

Acceptance is communicated from the retailer to the supplier. It indicates there is a discrepancy between what was sent by the supplier and what was received by the retailer and details the list of goods received.

Besides, the retailer can provide additional information such as information about damaged items during transportation, etc.

Complete List of EDI Transactions, Sets & Codes for ANSI ASC X12 Standard

6 – EDI 810 – Invoice | EDIFACT INVOIC

EDI 810 (EDIFACT INVOIC – Invoice) is an electronic document provided by the supplier to the retailer to bill for the goods delivered. EDI 810 contains a list and description of goods, their quantity, and price, as well as information about the sender and recipient.

For complete information on EDI 810 read this article: What is an ANSI ASC X12 EDI 810 invoice?

These are some of the most commonly used EDI documents in the retail industry, facilitating efficient communication and transaction processing between trading partners.

EDI flow in the retail industry

Let us look at a typical EDI flow between trading partners (where the retailer acts as a buyer) in which the top 6 EDI transactions described above are involved.

1. The supplier sends or feeds the retailer his inventory status, to inform about the availability of goods – Inventory Inquiry/ Advice (EDI 846).

2. The retailer sends the Purchase Order to the supplier (EDI 850).

3. The supplier checks the availability of the goods in the warehouse and sends the Purchase Order Acknowledgment (EDI 855), in response to the Purchase Order.

4. The supplier immediately after shipment of the goods, generates and sends to the retailer an Advanced Ship Notice (EDI 856).

5. The retailer, after acceptance of the ASN received from the previous step, generates and sends the supplier a Receiving Advice/Acceptance Certificate (EDI 861).

6. The supplier, based on the above acceptance notifications, generates an Invoice (EDI 810).

This EDI flow is considered for the case when the trade agreement between the retailer and the supplier has already been concluded, and the retailer has a list of goods from each supplier in its business system.

Benefits of using EDI

EDI has long been an integral part of B2B especially in the retail vertical. Using EDI to exchange business information provides many business benefits to both large and small businesses. Here is a short list of those benefits:

Speeds up workflows

You can send any document in seconds.

Prompt exchange of documents speeds up the process of ordering and delivery of goods. The main benefit for the retailer is the uninterrupted replenishment of goods. For the supplier, a quick payment for the delivered goods.

Saving resources and time

No need to use operators for manual processing of business documents, duplicate on paper, store, send by mail, or courier.

One standard for everyone

EDI makes it easy to start selling to large retailers. Exchange EDI documents without worrying about format differences and compliance with business systems (ERP /CRM) of your trading partner.

Accelerate the acceptance of goods

When EDI is integrated into the retailer’s business system, data from suppliers goes directly to the accounting system. Thanks to automatic item matching, goods are accepted very quickly. The process of accepting the goods is quick and easy.

Reduces risks

EDI eliminates errors associated with manual data input, as well as the loss of documents.

Secured data transmission

EDI documents are transmitted over secured channels in encrypted form, or through private value added network, no concern about data breach.

About EDI2XML services

EDI2XML offers a wide range of EDI services to automate the exchange of documents between all parties in the retail and transportation industry, whoever they are: retailers, suppliers, shippers, consignees, and transport companies.

We help your company get started on exchanging EDI with your partners in a fairly and relatively short period of time, and on budget. Whether adopting our Fully EDI managed EDI Service or our EDI2XML self-service Web service, we can empower your company with the ability to send and receive any type of electronic documents such as Purchase Order (EDI 850) PO Acknowledgment (EDI 855), Invoices (EDI 810), ASN (EDI 856) and many more.

Useful Reading: Fully managed EDI service VS HTTP Web Service: Which is Better for Your Business ?

Contact us for more information and a free consultation.

Free EDI consultation

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Changing a Purchase Order (PO) is an undesirable business practice because it could lead to delays in delivery. Therefore, using EDI 855 becomes key to efficiently managing the ordering process.

EDI 855 Definition

The EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment is an EDI document that sellers send to a buyer as a response to an order 850, to confirm or reject the delivery of products.

Like all EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) transactions, EDI 855 is used in business-to-business (B2B) communication. Namely, when two business partners exchange electronically the business information in a pre-defined standardized format over a secure connection (VAN, AS2, sFTP).

EDI 855 is the answer to EDI 850 Purchase Order. In the retail business, these two EDI transaction sets (EDI 850 and EDI 855) are usually implemented together to provide high efficiency in the ordering process and provide more efficient logistics.

EDI ANSI ASC X12 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Transaction Set

You may have seen the various names and acronyms of EDI 855 transaction such as: X12 855, 855 EDI, EDI 855 document, 855 acknowledgment, EDI acknowledgment 855, EDI 855 message, EDI 855 transaction, EDI PO Acknowledgment, EDI 855 Ack, 855 PO Ack, Order Acknowledgment and so on… but this should not confuse you, all this means one thing: an EDI transaction formally known as EDI ANSI ASC X12 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Transaction Set.

The abbreviations in the formal name of this document mean the following:

  • ASC X12 – Accredited Standards Committee X12 (is a standards organization chartered by the American National Standards Institute, it develops and maintains the X12 standard).
  • ANSI -American National Standards Institute
  • X12 – EDI standard
  • Transaction Set – EDI document
  • 855 – code of the transaction

In EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport) standard which is widely used in Europe, and in international trade, the EDI 855 is referred to as ORDRSP (Order Response) message.

How EDI 855 is Used to Manage Purchase Orders and Improve Efficiency?

Using Purchase Order Acknowledgment the seller informs the buyer whether the purchase order was:

  • accepted
  • rejected, or
  • accepted with changes (it means that changes were made to the accepted EDI 850 Order)

EDI 855 is based on the Purchase Order (EDI 850) and has various functions:

  • Confirms receipt of a Purchase Order (EDI 850).
  • Informs about the seller’s intention to fulfill the entire order without changes.
  • Informs about the refusal to fulfill the order.
  • Inform about errors and inaccuracies for example wrong prices, incorrect product numbers, etc.
  • Informs about change in the PO such as:
  1. article cancellation
  2. schedule change
  3. replace items on the order
  4. changes item quantity
  5. price change

Components of EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment:

What is 855 made of? EDI 855 is paired with EDI 850 and is formed on its basis. PO Acknowledgment contains the following information:

  • Information from PO 850 (Order numbers, date, product details, etc.)
  • buyer and seller information
  • order confirmation numbers
  • Dates of the planned delivery of goods
  • Scheduled time
  • Delivery address
  • Information about ordered products (barcodes, names, quantities, etc.)

855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment Structure

Typically, the EDI 855 structure consists of the following elements:

  • ISA Interchange Control Header. (Mandatory)
  • GS Functional Group Header. (Mandatory)
  • ST Transaction Set Header. (Mandatory)
  • BAK Beginning Segment for Purchase Order Acknowledgment. (Mandatory)
  • REF Reference Identification. (Optional)
  • PO1 Baseline Item Data. (Optional)
  • ACK Line Item Acknowledgment. (Optional)
  • DTM Date/Time Reference. (Optional)
  • CTT Transaction Totals. (Mandatory)
  • SE Transaction Set Trailer. (Mandatory)
  • GE Functional Group Trailer. (Mandatory)
  • IEA Interchange Control Trailer. (Mandatory)

However, it must be remembered that depending on the requirements of the business, optional elements may arise or be removed from the EDI 855 document.

Difference Between EDI 855 and EDI 997

It is sometimes mistakenly believed that EDI 997 (Functional Acknowledgment) can replace EDI 855. These two EDI messages should not be confused, as they have completely different functions.

EDI 997 is just a notification that Purchase Order (EDI 850) has been delivered and does not contain any validation to the Order. The EDI 855 transaction has many functions and informs the buyer whether his order will be fulfilled, and under which basis.

Why EDI 855 is an Important Link Between EDI 850 and EDI 856

Purchase Order Acknowledgment represents an important part of the order fulfillment. When a retailer receives confirmation of order quantities from EDI 856, restocking issues may occur.

Since the supplier sends the EDI 856 immediately after shipment, the retailer can realize that the order is not fully completed too late, when the goods are in transit.

Thus, he does not have time to order a similar product from the same or other suppliers to replenish the necessary stock on time.

EDI 855 for Retail Suppliers

EDI 855 is not implemented by all companies, although practice shows that this EDI document is one of the most important in retail B2B relationships between seller and buyer.

Therefore most of the major retailers such as Walmart and Costco have listed EDI 855 as mandatory EDI transaction for their suppliers.

Here is a Typical Business Flow Using EDI:

There are many scenarios of EDI workflow in the business relationship between the trading partners, thus many different types of EDI transactions may be involved in this process. All depending on the specifics of the company’s activities or the requirements of the business partner.

Below we will look at the simplest and most common business process in which the 855 is used.

  • Step 1: The buyer sends the Purchase Order (EDI 850) to the supplier.
  • Step 2: To confirm readiness to fulfill the order, the supplier sends the buyer a Purchase Order Acknowledgment (EDI 855).
  • Step 3: As soon as the merchandise is shipped, the vendor sends an EDI 856 Ship Notice (ASN) to the buyer.
  • Step 4: An invoice 810 will follow so to get paid by the buyer.

What are the Benefits of EDI 855?

Summarizing the benefits of using EDI 855 for both trading partners that have already been described in this article, the following points can be highlighted:

  • Simplifies interaction with suppliers and increases work efficiency by reducing routine and inefficient operations (making control calls or writing e-mails to confirm or adjust a Purchase order).
  • Using EDI 855, the supplier can promptly notify the buyer if any of the ordered products are not available.
  • When generating EDI 855, the supplier can automatically book the goods for delivery at his warehouse.
  • The buyer, having quickly received information about the unavailability of some ordered product, can promptly place an order from another supplier.
  • Based on EDI 855, the buyer can predict the state of the inventory.
  • Use PO Acknowledgment can significantly improve Advanced Ship Notice (EDI 856) accuracy.

The Most Widely-Used EDI Document in Retail

As you can see from the above business flow, other important EDI documents are involved in the retails ordering process. The most common EDI Transaction sets are:

EDI for retail
  • EDI 846 Inventory Inquiry
  • EDI 850 Purchase Order
  • EDI 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment
  • EDI 856 Advanced Ship Notice (ASN)
  • EDI 810 Invoice

How to Exchange EDI 855

There are several ways to exchange EDI messages with your business partner. During our more than 20 years of EDI integration practice, we have many clients who use our fully managed EDI services. So, let’s take a look at how does Fully Managed EDI Service works?

Fully Managed EDI Service to Exchange EDI 855

Our Fully managed EDI Solution allows you to create, send, receive, of EDI documents, as well as automatically integrate them into a company’s software system (ERP, CRM…). Following is a description of incoming and outgoing EDI flows, based on our EDI2XML fully Managed EDI Service

For Incoming EDI documents:

We connect to:

  • the Trading Partner’s mailbox, OR
  • a mailbox on our clients’ platform, OR
  • a mailbox on our EDI2XML platform we provide
  • We collect the incoming EDI message (i.e. 850) from the mailbox
  • We turn the received EDI document(s), into a format agreed upon with the client IT team (i.e. XML, TXT…)
  • We drop the final file into the mailbox, waiting for the client IT team to pick up and automatically process into their own software system, OR,
  • We integrate directly into the client’s ERP system, be it on-premises or in another cloud, using certified connectors of Magic xpi.

For Outgoing EDI documents:

  • We receive necessary files from our client, based on a format agreed upon with his IT team
  • We build the outgoing X12 EDI document (i.e. 855) based on the Trading Partner’s provided X12 format and specifications.
  • We connect to the destination’s mailbox & drop the X12 file(s)

EDI Web Services to Exchange EDI 855

However, not all companies can benefit from Fully Managed EDI Services due to implementation fees and monthly services fees. For small companies that need to use EDI with their business partners, we recommend EDI Web Services. It is a cost-effective solution that allows you to start exchange EDI messages in less than an hour and best of all, you don’t need to have any special EDI knowledge.

This is a much more profitable EDI solution for small companies, with no contract, and pay as you go concept. Moreover, you can get started with a free 15 days trial period! If you want to know more about the EDI web service click here.

Get a free consultation on how to streamline your B2B communication with EDI 855 and other essential EDI documents.


Looking for more Info? Download our free informative EDI Guides and Whitepaper here

Transportation and logistics companies rely heavily on EDI to exchange information with their trading partners, including shippers, carriers, and freight forwarders. EDI provides a standardized, automated method of exchanging documents, reducing the need for manual processing and improving the speed and accuracy of information exchange.

By adopting EDI, transportation companies have been able to streamline their processes and significantly reduce the time and costs associated with manual tasks. In this article, we will take a closer look at EDI 214 – Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message and its importance in the transportation industry.

What is EDI 214?

EDI 214 is an electronic document used in the context of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) to provide detailed shipment status information. The formal name of this EDI document is ANSI X12 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message Transaction Set.

EDI 214 Definition

EDI 214 is a delivery status message sent from the transportation company to the shipper, as well as the consignee and their agents, as an update on the status of delivery. The document provides real-time updates on the status of a shipment, from pickup to delivery, and includes details such as the carrier name, equipment type, pickup and delivery dates and times, and any exceptions or delays that may have occurred during transit.

Where Is EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message Used?

EDI 214 is used in transportation, logistics, supply chain, and international trade. As mentioned above, transport companies use EDI 214 to inform shippers and consignees about the status of their cargo.

Here are some examples of the largest transportation companies in the world using EDI. It can be based on either the X12 or EDIFACT standard (which is typical for European companies).

Some examples of the biggest Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) Carriers in North America using EDI 214 document:

Why is EDI 214 Important In The Transportation Industry?

In the transportation industry, timely and accurate information about the status of a shipment is crucial. EDI 214 allows carriers and their trading partners to exchange information quickly and efficiently, enabling them to make informed decisions about the shipment and take appropriate action if necessary.

What Does EDI 214 Include?

EDI 214 transaction set may include various information related to shipments made by transport service providers. Thus, as a status document, EDI 214 provides information about the physical location of cargo at any given time and can contain information on more than twenty “events”.

However, depending on the business model of the company or its specifics, business partners determine the exact list of necessary information to be transmitted in an EDI 214 document. Typically, the Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message contains the following information:

  • Sent from – name and address
  • Place of delivery – address or coordinates
  • Shippers Purchase Order Number
  • Estimated Time of Arrival
  • Route Information
  • Delivery confirmation – location, signature
  • Information about the status of the shipment
  • Description of shipment – weight, packaging, and quantity.

Depending on the requirements of the company, EDI 214 can be produced 4 to 6 times per day up to a once per week; all depends on the business use case.

How Does EDI 214 Work?

EDI 214 works by using a standard format for exchanging information between trading partners. The document is transmitted electronically between the carrier and their trading partner, using a secure and reliable EDI network.

The information contained in the EDI 214 document is structured using a set of data elements and segments, which are defined by the ANSI X12 standard. The data elements and segments provide a standardized way to communicate information about the shipment, ensuring that all parties understand the information being shared.

EDI 214 Business Workflow

Usually, the EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message can be partnered with additional EDI transactions, such as EDI 204 Load Tender and EDI 990 – Response to a Load Tender.

Below is one of the possible workflows involving EDI 214.

To accept the EDI 204 Load Tender transportation company must send to shipper EDI 990 – Response to a Load Tender. Then, the carrier starts feeding the shipper with EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message.

EDI 214 contains information about pickup and delivery times. Moreover, EDI 214 transaction set can be sent multiple times. First EDI 214 to indicate loading time; next 214 transaction set, can be sent to indicate delivered time.

Benefits of Using EDI 214

For retailers, EDI 214 transaction serves as an important source of information when scheduling and/or adjusting the schedule of goods receipt, as well as for the efficient allocation of resources and personnel.

Besides, by receiving status updates via EDI 214 messages from carriers, retailers do not need to make verification calls to clarify delivery times.

Some of the key benefits of using EDI 214 in the transportation industry include:

Improved visibility: EDI 214 provides real-time updates on the status of a shipment, enabling carriers and their trading partners to track the shipment’s progress from pickup to delivery. This visibility allows them to proactively identify and resolve any issues that may arise during transit.

Increased efficiency: By automating the process of sharing shipment status information, EDI 214 eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors. This leads to increased efficiency and reduces the time and costs associated with manual tasks.

Better collaboration: EDI 214 enables carriers and their trading partners to collaborate more effectively by sharing information in real-time. This collaboration improves communication and helps to ensure that all parties are on the same page when it comes to the shipment.

Many shippers and consignees use the Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message as a tool to control the carrier’s transit time. To determine if the carrier has met the time schedules for transportation, they note the date and time of shipment and receipt of the goods.

EDI 214 Status Code List

The EDI 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message uses a standardized set of status codes to indicate the status of a shipment. Here are some commonly used status codes:

AF: ACTUAL PICKUP. The shipment has been picked up

AG: ESTIMATED DELIVERY. An estimated delivery date is calculated at the time the shipment is picked up.

AB: APPOINTMENT DATE. A delivery appointment has been set up.

AI: RECONSIGNED. The consignee has changed.

A3: RETURNED TO SHIPPER. The final status for this type of shipment.

AJ: TENDERED FOR DELIVERY. The tendered date for the shipment.

CA: CANCELED. The shipment has been canceled/voided for one of numerous reasons.






Note that this is not an exhaustive list and some EDI trading partners may use additional status codes or custom codes. It’s important to verify the specific status codes used by your trading partners to ensure accurate communication and avoid any delays or errors in your transportation operations.

EDI For The Transportation Services Sector and Logistics

Nowadays, almost every company, whether it is a shipper, consignee or carrier, exchange information through EDI.

Below is a list of the most popular EDI transactions in the transportation industry.

  • 204 Motor Carrier Load Tender
  • 990 Response to a Load Tender
  • 210 Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice
  • 211 Motor Carrier Bill of Lading
  • 212 Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest
  • 214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
  • 215 Motor Carrier Pickup Manifest
  • 216 Motor Carrier Shipment Pickup Notification
  • 820 Payment Order/Remittance Advice
  • 997 Functional Acknowledgment

Find the Perfect EDI Service For Your Business

Do you need to use the EDI 214 transaction with your business partner? Therefore, you are looking for an efficient fully managed, EDI service. You are at the right place. We can help you.

We offer our clients fully managed EDI Services including various communication protocols such as:

  • VAN
  • AS2
  • FTP, or sFTP.

Connect EDI With Your ERP, CRM, TMS, or e-Commerce

To ensure complete automation of your logistic processes, we integrate your EDI process with almost any business system in the market such as:

  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Salesforce
  • Sage
  • Oracle NetSuite
  • JD Edwards
  • SAP

We also integrate EDI with e-commerce.

Start Exchanging EDI In An Hour or Less Using our EDI Web Service

EDI web service is the easiest and fastest way to get started with EDI.

To connect to our EDI REST web service and be able to exchange EDI documents, all you need to do is have access to the Internet and know your API Token and password for access.

In less than an hour, you can start exchanging EDI messages. EDI2XML REST web service provides great benefits for your business. You do not need to have experience with EDI. There is no need to sign a contract, pay as you go by very simple and dynamic pricing.

Useful: Request EDI2XML Web Service Price List

Regardless of whether you are a large freight forwarding company with numerous trading partners or a small transport company, you can exchange EDI 214 or any other EDI messages using our EDI REST service.

You can rely on our over 20 years of experience with EDI and integration projects, whether it is consulting, technical support, or project planning: we provide your company with everything you need.

Contact us for more information and a free consultation.

When a company decides to outsource warehouse functionalities such as shipping and fulfillment operations to a 3PL (a third-party logistics provider), it is faced with the fact that 3PL providers require the exchange of documents in electronic format – EDI (Electronic Data Interchange). The most exchanged EDI documents in this industry are: EDI 940, EDI 945, and EDI 856. Although companies already using EDI, are familiar with the common EDI transactions like EDI 810 (invoice) and EDI 850 (Purchase Order), the transactions used by the 3PL industry, might create confusion for them.

In this article, we will look closer at what EDI X12 940 is, why and who uses it, what information a Warehouse Shipping Order contains, and other important information.

EDI 940 definition

The EDI 940 (X12 940 Warehouse Shipping Order) is an electronic document that is used to notify a third-party warehouse or third-party logistics provider (3PL) that a shipment is required. Companies also use EDI 940 to confirm a shipment change or a cancellation of a previously submitted shipping order.

Who uses the EDI 940 – Warehouse Shipping Order?

Warehouse Shipping Order (or the ANSI X12 940 Transaction set) is used by the supplier/depositor (i.e. manufacturer or wholesaler) to notify the third-party logistics warehouse of the need to ship the goods to the buyer (i.e. retailer, distributor); this 940 transaction set, provides detailed information about the goods, the required timing to ship, and the recipient.
Companies use EDI 940 as instructions for shipping goods from a third-party warehouse in two different ways: either to instruct the 3PL partner to send one type of products to several different destinations, or, to send instructions to shipping various items to one location or destination.

Why do warehouses and 3PL providers use EDI?

The main business process of any warehouse or third-party logistics company is to optimize the procedure to store goods, improve efficiency when preparing shipment for delivery to its destination.

To provide uninterrupted service on time and with the least errors, warehouses and 3PL providers need to automate their business processes, which is the main reason to use EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).

Using EDI, logistics companies, 3PL providers, and warehouses can get important benefits in their operations such as:

  • Improved shipping and receiving planning
  • increase order-processing speed
  • eliminates errors associated with manual data entry
  • Reduced storage costs
  • Reduced inventory cost and accurate inventory forecasts
  • Reduced transport costs
  • Better use of staff and labor force
  • Avoid of out-of-stock situations

Key information included in an EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order

The 940 document is a kind of shipping instruction for warehouse; it provides the receiver with necessary information to be to prepare a shipment. At a minimum an EDI 940 transaction must include:

  • Seller’s order number
  • Buyer’s order number
  • Date of shipment
  • Buyer’s pick-up location (address, contact, etc.)
  • Products and quantities to be shipped

Depending on the type of goods and preliminary agreements with the warehouse, the Warehouse Shipping Order may contain the following:

  • Type of pallet configuration (standard and non-standard).
  • Requirements for transportation such as temperature or other special conditions for transportation.
  • Information about the carrier or third party involved in the delivery (for example, a broker).
  • Other product information (batch numbers and production codes).

Warehouse Shipping Order Transaction Set (EDI 940) Sample File

ISA*00*          *00*          *01*051950838  *ZX*901234572111  *191016*0845*U*00300*000000001*0*T*:!




N1*BT*Unicorn Systems Inc.*82*0001002290!

N3*PO Box #796044*178 WEST 56TH STREET!


N1*ABG*City Inc.*82*1200!

N3*1290 Cordeaux Street!

N4* Cupertino *CA*94129*US!

N1*SF*Golfing Inc.*82*6201!

N3*Unit 205, 8/F,Full Centre!

N4*Siu Leak Yuen, Tatin**999097*HK*93*1000!

N1*ST*Unicorn Systems Inc.*82*0004008088!

N3*3700 Unicorn Way!

N4* San Francisco*CA*95154*US!



NTE*LAB*Please print Special Unicorn Lables!

NTE*WHI*For US ship fedex 7 day shipment with A/C – 589074543!




G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!









N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!











G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!








N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!










G69*SCP38x6GSec, Pb Free!









N9*ZX*SEAL DATE**20161128!

N9*PV*VoE 616173**20191011!













Warehouse Shipping Order Transaction Set (EDI 940) Specification

EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order is a transaction set of the X12 Standard that is widely used in North America.

A three-code number – 940, identifies the warehouse Shipping Order Transaction Set. The document consists of the following segments:

Message Envelop / Group:
• ISA Interchange Control Header
• GS Functional Group Header

• ST Transaction Set Header
• W05 Shipping Order Identification (N = Original Order)
• N1 Name (‘SF’ – Ship-from, ‘SF’ – Ship-from)
• N3 Address Information
• N4 Geographic Location
• G62 Date/Time (‘02’ – Requested Arrival ‘10’ – Pick-Up Date)
• NTE – Notes/Special Instructions (‘WHI’ Warehouse Instruction)
• W66 Warehouse Carrier Information

Detail (Begins detail loop):
• LX – Assigned Number
• W01 – Line Item Detail – Warehouse
• G69 Line Item Detail – Description
• N9 Reference Identification
• W20 – Line-Item Detail (Miscellaneous)
• AMT – Monetary Amount

• W76 Total Shipping Order
• SE Transaction Set Trailer (the last segment of each transaction set)

Message Envelop / Group Footer:
• GE Functional Group Trailer
• IEA Interchange Control Trailer

Workflow to Exchange EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order

Let’s look at one of the possible and simplest scenarios in which the exchange of an EDI 940 document is involved. It should be considered that the manufactured or ordered products, are delivered in advance to the 3PL warehouse (your fulfillment partner) and the inventory of your store in your CRM is synchronized with the inventory of the 3PL warehouse. The standard workflow for exchanging a warehouse shipping order can be described as follows:

1. The customer (or buyer) sends a Purchase Order (EDI 850) to the supplying company (or seller).

2. The seller responds to the customer by EDI, transmitting an 855 Purchase Order Acknowledgment to accept / reject / modify the Purchase Order.

3. Based on the EDI 850 order, the supplier than sends the warehouse shipping order (EDI 940) to the 3PL warehouse, describing the order details.

4. The warehouse picks, packs, and ship the order

5. The warehouse sends back a warehouse shipment notification (EDI 945) to the vendor to confirm the shipment that was transmitted to the buyer.

6. Upon receipt of the EDI 945 transaction, the supplier (or seller) generates an EDI 856 – Advance Ship Notice to notify the buyer of an upcoming delivery.

7. The supplier than sends an Invoice (EDI 810) to the buyer upon receipt of the goods; sometimes the invoice is sent just about the same time when the merchandise is dispatched to the buyer.

Workflow to Exchange EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order

The above workflow is for a general understanding of the process, so keep in mind that there can be a much more complex relationship between buyer, seller, and third-party warehouse. In addition to the transactions mentioned above, the 3PL provider and supplier can exchange other documents such as:

• Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice ( EDI 943)
• Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice (EDI 944)
• Inventory Inquiry/Advice (EDI 846)
• Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice (EDI 947)

EDI 940 and EDI 945

The Warehouse Shipping Advice (EDI 945) is playing a special role in the partnership between the 3PL provider and supplier. The function of Warehouse Shipping Advice is like an EDI 856 (Advance Ship Notice).
Using the EDI 945 warehouse notifies the seller of the shipment. Moreover, by EDI 945, the 3PL provider notifies the seller whether a full order has been shipped or has been shipped with exceptions.
EDI 945 usually contains the following information:
• buyer’s order number
• the actual date of shipment
• used carrier
• bill of lading number
• Item and quantity
The warehouse can also explain why the shipment date was changed, why the products were excluded from the batch and information about the replacement of the product.

Benefits of using an EDI 940 Warehouse Shipping Order

The advantages of using EDI in general and EDI 940 transaction, over traditional methods of communications such as e-mail, paper or fax, are undeniable:

1. Reduced time of order processing.

2. Reduced expenses related to office supplies and delivery of documents, as well as for staff salaries.

3. Reduced manual data entry, making it easier for both sellers and warehouses

4. Elimination of loss of documents and human errors.

5. Instant delivery and receipt of documents.

6. Speed up payments

3PL Warehouse EDI Integration

You can start exchanging EDI 940 messages in less than an hour using our EDI2XML REST web service. You do not need to commit to any contracts; We provide a free 15-days trial period.

You can also take advantage of our over 21 years of EDI integration experience by choosing a fully managed EDI service.

Contact us for a free consultation with one of our EDI experts to choose what works best for your business.

You may also be interested in reading about:
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) in the Supply Chain
How EDI can speed the receiving of goods in a warehouse
EDI for Third-Party Logistics providers (3PL)
DELFOR, DELJIT, DESADV – key EDI messages in supply chain management for manufacturing

Our EDI2XML Blog was selected by Feedspot as one of the Top 10 EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) Blogs on the web.

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

What is EDI (Electronic data interchange)?

Fully Managed EDI

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the exchange of structured data, according to a pre-defined format agreed upon, between computer systems and without human intervention. It is the basis of successful entrepreneurship. This is precisely the reason why business partners want to do business electronically, with their business partners such as suppliers or customers.

This will be particularly the case in the post-COVID-19 world since enterprises need to quickly rebuild their business.

Trading Partners Requiring EDI?

For many companies, especially in the Retail Industry, EDI is essential to keep supply chain processes running smoothly, and often these organizations put some pressure on their suppliers to start exchanging EDI. Moreover, EDI is often one of the fundamental conditions for suppliers to start working with large retailers such as (Walmart, Home Depot, Costco, Target, etc.).

However, many suppliers do not have the necessary technical knowledge and expertise to successfully implement EDI in their organization, or they do not have available IT team to setup and manage EDI platforms to connect and exchange electronic EDI documents with new trading partners.

What if the Company Does Not Have the Resources to Implement and Manage EDI?

Our fully managed EDI service is designed for companies that are engaged in various industries such as Retail/Wholesale, Healthcare/Pharmaceutical, Manufacturing, Logistics, etc. who need to use EDI for their business activities.

Because EDI is not their main competence, such companies prefer to use our Fully Managed EDI service offering.

We at EDI2XML, always focus on providing EDI integration solutions that ensure the most efficient operation of various business processes.

Key Features of our Fully Managed EDI Service

Following are the most important key features of the Fully Managed EDI service offered at our company EDI2XML:

  • Over 21 years of expertise in integration projects and EDI implementations
  • Support of all commonly used EDI standards (i.e. X12, EDIFACT, RosettaNet, HIPAA/X12, XML, CSV, etc.)
  • Support of all commonly used communication protocols (i.e. AS2, FTP, sFTP, VAN, RNIF…)
  • 24/7 Helpdesk email support
  • Safe and stable infrastructure (deployed on our private Cloud)
  • Dynamic monthly service prices

Benefits of Managed EDI /EDI Outsourcing

  • No investment in hardware and software required by the client
  • Service offered based on monthly subscription
  • Suitable for all business sectors, regardless of the company size, or geographic location.
  • Seamless connection to your business partners
  • Seamless connectivity and bridging to your branded ERP/CRM or homegrown software system

The Fully Managed EDI Integration Process

We always start by analyzing data flows, systems, and trading partners that must be connected.

After completing the analysis, we submit our commercial business offer.

The offer clearly indicates the type and numbers of EDI documents, communication protocol, flow of Incoming and outgoing EDI documents, and costs associated with the One-Time Initial Investment and Monthly Integration Service Fees.

If you would like our company to submit a  free EDI quotation for you, please fill out our EDI Evaluation Sheet, available here, and send it by e-mail to:

Our team of EDI specialists will be responsible for all stages of EDI integration: including planning an EDI project, Integration, testing, and certification with your company’s trading partners.

Your Trusted EDI Services Provider

For over 20 years, EDI2XML has been delivering advanced EDI integration solutions tailored to the specific needs of each company. We have helped various enterprises to successfully integrate EDI into their business and have empowered our clients to exchange EDI with numerous trading partners.

Whether it is a large or small company, with our Managed EDI service offering, we will completely relieve your IT team of responsibility in the field of EDI.

By outsourcing your EDI to EDI2XML, you guarantee a degree of support and expertise that is difficult to match by an in-house team. Our customers benefit from a higher degree of productivity, and a quick return on investment.

Would you like more information about what EDI2XML can do for you? Please contact us or call us on +1 450-681-3009.

Free EDI consultation


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The Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19) on e-commerce

Fully managed EDI service VS HTTP Web Service: Which is Better for Your Business ?

What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)?

eBook: EDI – Key Information You Need to Know

This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Today, companies switching from one EDI service provider to another, is not different from someone changing his mobile operator.

Successful companies are always looking for better services and conditions. They are not afraid to change their EDI service provider, considering they add a value with their new selected choice.

Typically, the main reasons for leaving the “old” EDI service provider:

  • The speed of service and SLA is not adequate to the company.
  • the price is no longer justifiable.
  • poor support service.
  • frequent failures.
  • technological weaknesses.
  • lack of expertise and difficulties with integration.

It happens that the contract between the EDI provider and the client was concluded a long time ago, and after a while, its terms were disadvantageous for the company.

There are cases when the client has accumulated a critical number of claims that he is ready to change the EDI service provider, regardless of the investment.

Sometimes, big retailers recommend their partners to work with a particular EDI service provider, hence, they go by that recommendation, since they do not have enough time to select the most reliable EDI provider more carefully, and they get stuck with that service provider for long, and living the good and the bad….

How to Choose the Right EDI Service Provider

Primarily, to change the EDI service provider, you need to carefully select a new one. This step requires careful study. Here are the qualifications that should be looked at when looking for a new EDI service provider:

A.  The technology and qualification of the EDI provider

Companies often use a variety of business systems (SAP, Oracle JD Edwards, Salesforce, etc.), as well as e-Commerce (i.e. Amazon, Shopify). It is important that the new EDI service provider has the optimal solution for integrating EDI processes into these systems.

B.  Ability to offer diversified and comprehensive services

Secondly, it is desirable that your EDI provider can offer comprehensive diversified services that relate to EDI. For example, a good EDI provider, that offers integration services such as e-commerce integration, and direct integration with leading ERP/CRM systems, in addition to EDI is a very important criterion and one more plus in favor of the provider.

C.  Great technical support and quick response time to “resolve”

EDI provider support

Third, comes technical support. The EDI service provider must ensure that an experienced technical team is always available for any type of request. It should be available to respond quickly to resolve issues (when it happens) within a very reasonable time frame, tolerated by the business. Of course, company experience plays an important role.

Since companies with many years of experience in their field, thanks to their experience, often have more effective solutions.

Where to Start and How to Prepare to Change EDI Provider

Before a potential provider submits a quotation, he will certainly request important information upon which he would want to build his pricing. It is worth preparing the following in advance:

  • EDI standard used (i.e. X12, EDIFACT, RosettaNet, HIPAA/X12, XML, CSV, etc.)
  • Number and name (when possible) of trading partners.
  • Type of documents for each trading partner (Order, Order Acknowledgment, Invoice, etc.)
  • Direction of each document (incoming or outgoing).
  • Communication Protocols (i.e. AS2, FTP, sFTP, VAN, RNIF…)
  • Integration interface to the internal system (i.e. direct integration, API, XML, CSV or Json messages)
  • Type of deployment of the solution, the company is looking for (i.e. On-premises, Cloud based)

If you want to get an EDI quotation from our company, please fill in our EDI Evaluation Sheet available here and send it by email to:

After receiving the necessary information, the future provider gets down to the “drawing board”; based on the above information, the service provider will analyze the business process, and offer the most profitable options for EDI integration.

Here are the EDI integration services our company EDI2XML offers:

Fully Managed EDI Service: with this option, there is an on-boarding one-time fee, and a monthly fee. Our team at EDI2XML takes care of all your EDI project, and we offer a “turn-key solution”; we take care of all the setup, configuration, transformation, testing, certification with your EDI partners. Our monthly pricing packages are dynamic, they go up and down based on the volume and you are not locked in any tier.

EDI2XML web services: our REST API to convert X12 to XML and vice versa , is much more cost effective, and meant for companies who got their own technical resources to work with REST API (call and consume HTTP Rest Web services); In such a scenario, it is the way to go for the following reasons:

  • Self-service solution
  • Low cost per KC
  • Support is included with the subscription without any additional fees
  • Quick entry: you can be up and running in less than an hour, and it is proven; we provide everything to your developers to get started, a java client with its source code and instructions on how to work with.
  • We offer the schemas (xsd) of the XML format our API expects, and all what you need to do is to format your data according to that format and you will be up and running.
  • We offer a [15] days free trial, without any commitment.

EDI2XML On-Premises: is our offering to deploy our solution on customer’s premises.

How to Get a Discount

Chances for a discount increase if:

  • the company moves to a new provider having more than one trading partner.
  • The company has a significant volume of transactions.
  • The company requires integration with internal business systems (JDE Oracle, SAP, MS Dynamics, etc.)

How is the Process of Migrating to a New EDI Provider?

The transition from the old to the new EDI provider consists of two parts: formal and technical parts.

The formalities normally take between 2 to 5 business days before signing the agreement.

The technical part depends on the integration option selected and the volume of technical work involved:

EDI web services. In this case, you do not even need to sign a contract. The connection is very fast within an hour, you can exchange EDI documents with your trading partner.

– Integration options such as Fully managed EDI service or On-Premises EDI Services or Integration with business system may take more time.

Do You Want to Start?

So, do you think it is time to change your EDI provider? However, you still have doubts. Not sure, which EDI solution is right for you? Contact us for a free consultation. Our EDI experts will advise you on the most cost-effective EDI solution according to your business processes.

Free EDI consultation

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This post was updated to reflect current trends and information.

Currently, many businesses are operating their own eCommerce stores on Shopify or Amazon to sell their products and services over the Internet to clients and consumers, all over the world. This is a great way to increase sales and brand awareness.

United States: top 10 online stores

The e-commerce market in the United States is constantly evolving. According to Statista’s forecasts, in the coming years, retail sales of B2C e-commerce in the US will grow rapidly: from 315.6 billion US dollars in 2018 to more than 565.7 billion US dollars in 2023. The most popular online store in the United States is, of course,, the second most popular is

United States: top 10 online stores

As you can see in the graph above, at the top of the e-commerce rating are the 2 largest retailers:, Inc. is a global e-commerce corporation that provides online retail, consumer electronics, digital content and other services such as daily deals and local groceries. The greatest part of the company’s revenue is generated from third-party seller revenues, subscription services, and AWS activities. Due to quality standards and global reach, Amazon is considered one of the most valuable brands in the world.

Walmart, Inc. is one of the biggest retail chains offering low prices and immensely varied products, giving Walmart a competitive edge.

Challenge of efficient e-commerce transaction

Whatever you choose, open your own online store on one of the most popular e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Magento or sell on Amazon, or deal with Walmart, Home Depot, Target, etc. it is very beneficial for companies of all size and various industries to expand their online business.

However, many executives still do not consider a full integration between there online store, and their business management system (ERP, CRM), as a must and important option to adopt.

Efficient supply chain management and prompt exchange of the necessary information between trading partners is the key to the success of your electronic business and the high satisfaction of your customers.

Download our whitepaper for more information about Shopify integration.

The main problems that online store owners may encounter when they omit a full integration between their store and their ERP are as follows:

  • They must hire more staff to manage their supply chain, in order to respond to growing customer demands.
  • It is difficult to balance incoming demand and production (in case the company is a manufacturer)
  • Problematic transfer of inquiries and information between several business partners involved in the supply chain channel.

The challenge with supply chain management is to synchronize the supply chain with consumer demand and measure the productivity and success rate. Therefore, below are 3 useful tips to overcome these challenges:

Integrated ERP Solutions

Having one platform to manage and run a business can make all the difference. A fully integrated software system will be able to efficiently manage an eCommerce and retail business and eliminate the need to key-in information from the online store to the management system manually.

Useful reading: Must-Have Integration between E-Commerce and Business Systems

EDI Integration

As mentioned previously, the ability to balance product demands from an eCommerce store and supply chain demands is very important. Therefore, to do this would be to empower the eCommerce platform with EDI capabilities, to exchange data in real-time with suppliers and partners.

Useful reading: The most used EDI messages in the supply chain management

Modern Business Solutions

A scalable integrated IT solution, such as the one suggested by EDI2XML, is needed to be able to electronically exchange information by parsing data of different formats, like X12/EDIFACT, XML, CSV or Json, and translate EDI from one format to another. On top of that, the solution should be able to easily integrate with different systems and communicate with different partners using modern and secured communication protocols such as AS2, sFTP or API (Web services).

Improve your eCommerce management and supply chain by implementing and integrating with the best tools and solutions.

Free EDI Consultation


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